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Dr. Douglas L. Beck Releases All-New Consumer Guide
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...That's Why We've Done The Heavy Lifting For You!
The content we have for you will educate your patients, before and after treatment, in addition to saving you time, money, and resources on trying to figure out what works. We're dedicated to treating more patients worldwide and want you to succeed which is why we're offering this to you for free.
Douglas L. Beck earned his undergraduate degree (B.A.) in Communication Disorders & Sciences (1982), his master's degree in audiology from the University of Buffalo (1984) and his doctorate (Au.D., Doctor of Audiology) from the University of Florida, Gainesville (2000).
His professional career began in Los Angeles at the House Ear Institute in cochlear implant research and intraoperative cranial nerve monitoring. In 1988, he joined the medical school faculty as Director of Audiology at Saint Louis University in the Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. Eight years later he co-founded an audiology and hearing aid dispensing practice in St Louis, Missouri. In 1999 he became President and Editor-In-Chief of, and